Friday, February 11, 2011

Ky and Me

Kylie and me before going on our walk yesterday.  Rex and I try to get her outside at least once a day for a  little while.  We want to instill love and appreciation of the outdoors in her.  I want her growing up wild and free, like I did.  I don't want her cooped up inside playing video games and watching tv all of the time.  Ky still loves our walks and now has a comfy view from the baby jogger.  We will take the chihuahuas with us and she loves watching them bark and play in the sunshine.  I can't wait for it to be summer time because then we can take Kylie up in the mountains for hikes.  Right now it would be a bit too chilly.  So for now I'll just have to day dream about lazy summer days. 


  1. What a cutie! Waiting for some warm summer days to spend with my babe as well!

  2. Thanks!!! I know, I'm still day dreaming of days we'll be able to go outside without getting all bundled up!


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